Shoutcast shoutcast-redhat-initd.txt

# chkconfig: 345  91 35
# description: Starts and stops sc_serv.
#           You know, the mp3 streaming thang.
#    Version 1.3 (nov 4 2001)
#    Now with more revisions! System now checks for pid file before cat
#    to display so that we receive no error messages. System also displays
#    pids as we are killing old processes. Profanity was removed from the
#    startup messages. Tests for a pid file before reporting success. Displays
#    the relay server name when we start the daemon up, so that we know
#    which servers are getting booted. Pushed the success marker over to the
#    right and added [] because I am just a slave to fashion.
#    Version 1.2 (nov 3 2001)
#    Same exact shit, but runs as nobody for security reasons. Just
#    in case we are worried about buffer overflows or whatnot.
#    Version 1.1 (nov 3 2001)
#    Starts stops and restarts jobs. Also checks for existing daemons
#    before calling a start, and exits without starting new ones. This
#    prevents you from being a dumbass and starting multiple listeners
#    on the same port. I would suggest using the restart command
#    in these cases. Also creates a file that can be used
#    to discover all of the (many) pids used by shoutcast when running.
#    Version 1.0 (nov 3 2001)
#    Starts and stops successfully.
#    Kills old jobs on start command. Dirty, but
#    does the job well enough. Tested functional on
#    mandrake version 8.1 but should work on redhat
#    or any other distro that supports a standard
#    sysv startup script.
#    Instructions for use.
#    1: untargzip shoutcast into the directory of your choosing
#    2: copy sc_serv into the /usr/sbin directory
#    3: Create the directory /etc/shoutcast
#    4: copy the shoutcast.conf file into your /etc/shoutcast dir.
#    5: Edit the shoutcast.conf file to match your needs.
#    6: Make as many more conf files as needed to support
#       multiple streams. Be sure to edit these files so that
#       you are not starting multiple shoutcast servers that
#       are either listening or broadcasting on the same port.
#    7: Copy this file into the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory
#    8: chmod this file +x (chmod ug+x /etc/rc.d/init.d/shoutcast)
#    9: run chkconfig --add shoutcast from the /etc/rc.d/init.d dir.
#    10:Run /etc/rc.d/init.d/shoutcast start
#    11:Drink a beer, or light one up, and enjoy the tunes.

# Source networking configuration.
. /etc/sysconfig/network

# Check that networking is up. This line may cause an error on incompatible
# distributions. Remove it if necessary. Also remove if the startup always
# fails for no apparent reason.
[[ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ]] && exit 0

stop (){
#First we want to kill the original servers, so we don't get errors.
echo "Killing old shoutcast servers."
for oldpid in `ps -A | grep sc_serv | cut -c 0-6`; do
kill -9 $oldpid
if [[ $1 == "-v" ]]
echo $oldpid
rm -f /var/run/

start (){
#Now we can start the servers up.
if [[ $1 == "-v" ]]
echo "Starting up the new shoutcast servers. Starting..."

servcount=`expr 0`
for cfile in `ls /etc/shoutcast`; do
echo -n $cfile
echo -n " -> "
grep ^RelayServer /etc/shoutcast/$cfile
# This is the line where we actually run the shoutcast program!
#sudo -u nobody /usr/bin/sc_serv /etc/shoutcast/$cfile > /dev/null &
/usr/bin/sc_serv /etc/shoutcast/$cfile > /dev/null &
let servcount=servcount+1
#Create the pid file...
ps -A | grep sc_serv | cut -c 0-6 > /var/run/
#Done now!
echo "Started $servcount servers."

case "$1" in
if [[ ! -e /var/run/ ]]
start $2

if [[ -e /var/run/ ]]
echo "Startup                         [SUCCESS]"

if [[ $2 == "-v" ]]
echo "Shoutcast is already running these processes:"
#Toldja! Checks before displaying pid file.
if [[ -e /var/run/ ]]
cat /var/run/
echo "Try calling shoutcast restart in order to kill old processes."
echo "SC_SERV is already running. Try calling shoutcast restart."
echo "Startup                         [FAILED]"
stop $2
if [[ $2 == "-v" ]]
echo "Waiting for the old servers to die..."

sleep 4
start $2
if [[ -e /var/run/ ]]
echo "Startup                         [SUCCESS]"
if [[ -e /var/run/ ]];
stop $2
echo "Shoutcast shutdown                     [SUCCESS]"
echo "There are no registered shoutcast servers running right now. Attempting to kill anyways."
stop $2
echo "Usage: shoutcast (start|stop|restart) [-v]"


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